
환경사업의의 비용편익분석: 독일 오스나부릭 토양정화 사례

날마다좋은날 2005. 11. 22. 12:44
제  목
 환경사업의의 비용편익분석: 독일 오스나부릭 토양정화 사례
 Cost-Benefit-Analysis of Environment Project: The Case of Soil Remediation Project
저  자
 서울대학교 농업생명과학연구원
초  록
The aim of this study was to analyse the cost-benefit-ratio of a soil remediation project. The target of the study was the "Altablagerung Osnabrueck-Wueste"  the largest inhabited former landfill site in Germany. The determination of benefit resulting from the soil remediation was quantified with the help of willingness-to-pay(WTP) analysis (contingent valuation method, CVM). 400 households participated in the survey. The average WTP was 6.5 Euro per household per month or 78 Euro per household per year. The projected benefit generated by the remediation (consumer value) for the population in the landfill area was determined to be 0.7 million Euro per year. Factors which influence the willingness to pay were evaluated. The most important factors were age, garden use and the prevailing concern about personal health. A computation of the cost-benefit relationship was made on the basis of three different scenarios, which differed in terms of the projected benefits. Finally the economical efficiency of the project was determined. With a projection of 18 years and upwards the remediation of the soil is economically worthwhile.