
미생물농약 AC-1(Bacillus polymyxa) 원제에 대한 급성독성/병원성시험

날마다좋은날 2005. 11. 22. 12:59
제  목
 미생물농약 AC-1(Bacillus polymyxa) 원제에 대한 급성독성/병원성시험
 Acute Toxicity/Pathogenicity of Technical Grade of Microbial Pesticide AC-1
저  자
 농업과학기술원 농약안전성과
초  록
This study was conducted to estimate the toxicity of technical grade of microbial pesticide AC-1 by observing effects caused by oral and dermal administration. Acute oral LD50 value for ICR mice was above 5,000 ㎎/㎏. There were no effects in body weight change, clinical signs, and infectivity in mice and rats. The microbe was cleared by post-treatment day 14. Acute dermal LD50 value for SD rat was above 2,000 ㎎/㎏. Body weight did not appear to be affected by test article treatment. Toxicity symptoms induced by dermal treatment with technical grade of AC-1 were not observed. These results suggested that a single dose of test article microbe(Bacillus polymyxa"AC-1") produced no apparent signs of toxicity and pathogenicity in oral and dermal routes. Therefore, it was concluded that technical grade of AC-1 was a very safe pesticide.