
초지에서의 약초(허브)의 사용: 인터뷰 조사

날마다좋은날 2006. 5. 5. 16:35
초지에서의 약초(허브)의 사용: 인터뷰 조사
유기낙농업 농민에 대한 조사를 토대로 초지에서의 약초의 사용에 대하여 알아보았다. 결과 많은 부분에서 약초를 사용하고 있었으며, 여기에 대한 보다 깊은 연구가 필요하다.

The Use of Herbs in Pastures: An Interview Survey Among Bio-Dynamic and Organic Farmers with Dairy Cattle

Lack of knowledge about the effects of herbs in pastures and the frequency of their use by today’s organic farmers has limited the development of new methods to improve animal health compatible with organic farming principles. Understanding farmers’ agricultural practices is an early step in a participatory research process. With this in mind, we conducted a two-tiered, semi-structured survey of Danish organic farmers with dairy cattle to begin documenting their practices. Out of 350 farmers, 255 completed a mailed questionnaire – a response rate of 73%. Of these participating farmers, 66 (26%) confirmed their use of herbs in pastures. Caraway was sown at an average rate of 500 g of seed per hectare by 60 (91%). Of these, 32 used solely caraway, while 7 used it in combination with parsley. Twenty-one used caraway together with herbs other than parsley. Six used one or more herbs, not including caraway, such as chicory, chervil, dill, fenugreek, great burnet, and salad burnet. Further details concerning cultivation, convictions, observed effects, and information sources were obtained through telephone interviews. The results of this study would indicate that more research in this field is called for.
Agriculture and Human Values (2005) 22: 355–363 (2005)