(Sept. 25, 2015) Newsletter from SOItmC,www.openinnovationtmc.org
※ Anyone who wish to be out of this email list, please let us know, then we will swiftly handle it.
We'd like to kindly greet all of you with the following quote of the day,
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.” (Steve Jobs)
Section A. Call For Abstracts & Special Sessions Of SOItmC & SSC 2016
Section B. Newly-Released Papers From JOItmC
Section C. Open Communication_SOItmC
※ If you'd like to share your recent news(conference, research, newly-published papers, books, etc.), you can reply to this email with it. We will share in Section C.
[Section A.] Call For Abstracts & Special Sessions of SOItmC & SSC 2016
Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (SOItmC) & Society of Supply Chain (SSC) 2016
"Open Innovation of Start-ups and Firm in Value Chain"
San Jose State University(SJSU), California, USA
May 31 (Tue.) - June 3 (Fri.), 2016
- Hosting Chair: Prof. TaeHo Park at Lucas College of Business, San Jose State University (SJSU, Hosting Institute, http://www.sjsu.edu/sgil)
- Organizing Chair: JinHyo Joseph Yun, President of SOItmC (http://www.openinnovationtmc.org)
The SOItmC& SSC 2016 International Conference invites creative research papers from multidiciplinary areas, such as management, economics, public administration, policy, management of technology, computer science, robotics, urban engineering, industrial engineering, and etc., and creative cases of open innovation (OI) and business model (BM) for overcoming the growth limit in a capitalism era.
You can, at any time, submit your paper (Abstract) through the Paper Submission system.
(www.openinnovationtmc.org > SOItmC & SSC 2016 > Paper Submission)
- Early Abstract Submission: December 31, 2015
- Regular Abstract Submission: January 31, 2016
* If you submit your abstract by the deadline of 'Early Abstract Submission,' then your paper are to be more favorably evaluated for the selection to the invited special issue journals.
- Special Session Proposals Submission: October 31, 2015
- Notification of Special Sessions: November 30, 2015
Program (Tentative)
- May 31st(Tue.): Industry Tour (Cisco or Google) & Welcome Reception
- June 1st(Wed.): Subtheme - Open Innovation for Starts-up (Or Technology Collaboration), Open Innovation and Business Model Case Competition Session
- June 2nd(Thu.): Subtheme - Open Innovation for Collaborative Supply Chain
- June 3rd(Fri.): Culture Tour (Napa Valley Winery Tour)
* Joint Research works of Professors and Undergraduate Students of DGIST (South Korea) could be added to the program, and, among them, best outputs will be selected for the special issues journals (Tentative)
Special Sessions
* For each special session, at least 5 papers should be invited.
* Anyone who is interested in any information for the special sessions, please contact to the information below.
Special Session 1. (Chair: Prof. KwangHo Jung, Seoul National University)
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Special Session 2. (Chair: Prof. SangOk Choi, Korea university)
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Special Session 3. (Chair: Prof. Jaehoon Rhee, Yeungnam University)
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Special Session 4. (Chair: Prof. Natalja Lace, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
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Special Session 5. (Chair: Dr. YoungJoo Ko, KRICT)
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Special Session 6. (Chair: Dr. DongKyu Won, KISTI)
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Special Session 7. (Chair: Prof. JinHyo Joseph Yun, DGIST)
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Special Session 8. (Chair: Prof. Mohan V. Avvari, University of Nottingham, Malaysia, Not Yet Confirmed)
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Special Session 9. (Chair: TBD. from SOItmC)
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Special Session 10. (Chair: Prof. JungMi Oh, Seoul National University)
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Special Session 11. (Chair: Prof. Tan Yigitcanlar, QUT, Australia, Not Yet Confirmed)
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Special Session 12. (Chair: Prof. ChoongJaeIm, Keimyung University, Not Yet Confirmed)
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Special Session 13. (Chair: TBD, DGIST, Not Yet Confirmed)
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Special Session 14. (Chair: Prof. SamYoul Lee, Yonsei University)
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Special Session 15. (Chair: Prof. Giovanni Schiuma, University of the Arts London, UK, Not Yet Confirmed)
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Special Session 16. (Chair: Dr. Hyunjae Kim, KEEI)
General Sessions
* Anyone who is interested in any information for the general sessions, please contact to the information below.
General Session 1. (Chair: Prof. Keun Lee, Seoul National University, Not Yet Confirmed)
Special Issue Journals
(1) Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity: 12 papers (EIC: JinHyo Joseph Yun, jhyun@dgist.ac.kr)
(2) Science, Technology and Society: 8 papers(EIC: Venni V. Krishna, krishna@mail.jnu.ac.in)
(3) European Planning Studies: 8 papers(EIC: Philip Cooke, CookePN@cardiff.ac.uk)
(4) Technology Forecasting and Social Change: 8 papers(EIC: Fred Philips, fphillips@saturn.yzu.edu.tw)
(5) 000 SCI journal (Not Confirmed Yet)
Keynote Speakers
(1) Philip Cooke (UK)
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(2) Venni V. Krishna (India)
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(3) Taeho Park (USA)
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(4) JinHyo Joseph Yun (Korea)
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(5) David C. Mowery (USA, Tentative)
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(6) Wim Vanhaverbeke (Belgium, Tentative)
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(7) Clayton M. Christensen (USA, Tentative)
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(8) Richard Florida (USA, Tentative)
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(9) Keun Lee (Korea, Tentative)
Invitation for Special Session Chairs & Special Issue Journals
(1) Invitation for Special Session Chairs
- Condition: The special session chairs are required to invite more than 5 papers to present and guarantee more than 5 participants & registrations.
- Benefits:
- First. Best 2 papers from each special session have a chance to publish at SSCI(SCI) journal
- Second. Outstanding 1 paper from each special session has a chance to publish at JOItmC(Scopus at that time)
- Third. Encouraging 1 paper from each special session has a chance to publish at one of the other international journals.
(2) Invitation for Special Issue Journals
- Condition: SOItmC & SSC 2016 Conference invites SCI-indexed journals on the topics of creative connections and new combinations between technology and market.
- Benefits:
- First. Publishing fee will be paid.
- Second. Top papers from the conference will be invited to the journal(s).
(3) We invite Financial Supporting Institutes (or Universities)
[Section B.] Newly-Released Papers From JOItmC
Do not miss Great Open Access Papers of JOItmC, and cite to your research!
1. Green governance and green clusters: regional & national policies for the climate change challenge of Central & Eastern Europe
- Author: Philip Cooke(Bergen University College, Norway)
- Published: 05 August 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/1
2. Demand articulation in the open-innovation paradigm
- Author: Fumio Kodama (Tokyo University, Japan) et al.
- Published: 12 August 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/2
3. Compulsive buying and branding phenomena
- Author: Seung-Hee Lee and Jane E. Workman (Southern Illinois University, USA)
- Published online: 19 August 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/3
4. A study on the current status and strategies for improvement of web accessibility compliance of public institutions
- Author: Kyung-Ran Noh (KISTI, Korea) et al.
- Published: 26 August 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/4
5. Study on CEO characteristics for management of public art performance centers
- Author: Joon-ho Kim(Garam Education, Korea) and Seung-hye Jung (KyungHee University, Korea)
- Published: 2 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/5
6. Platform business Eco-model evolution: case study on KakaoTalk in Korea
- Author: Junghee Han, Okjoo Cho(Chonnam National University)
- Published: 8 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/6
7. Globalization of R&D and open innovation: linkages of foreign R&D centers in India
- Author: Swapan Kumar Patra and Venni V. Krishna (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
- Published: 15 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/7
8. Reflections on the innovative city: examining three innovative locations in a knowledge bases framework
- Author: Tommi Inkinen(University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Published: 4 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/8
9. A systematic review of RFID applications and diffusion: key areas and public policy issues
- Author: Kwangho Jung and Sabinne Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Published: 4 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/9
10. Customer involvement through social media: the cases of some telecommunication firms
- Author: Valentina Della Corte (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
- Published: 4 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/10
11. Heterogeneous expectations leading to bubbles and crashes in asset markets: Tipping point, herding behavior and group effect in an agent-based model
- Author: Sunyoung Lee and Keun Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
- Published: 15 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/11
12. Public space design of knowledge and innovation spaces: learnings from Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Brisbane
- Author: Surabhi Pancholi et al. (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
- Published: 16 September 2015
- Link: http://www.jopeninnovation.com/content/1/1/13
[Section C.] Open Communication_SOItmC
1. UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- At the meeting of Board of Directors on Aug. 19, 2015, the board made a decision to independently suggest to UN, the Economy/Policy agenda for conquering "The Growth Limits of Capitalism" by the end of this year. In line with this, SOItmC is gathering, from globally renowned scholars, various ideas including those for vitalizing "Schumpeterian Dynamics of Open Innovation Economy System".
- We kindly ask international members of SOItmC to positively share creative ideas with us for the initiative.
- For more details, please visit, http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
2. Conference News
- 2015 ASIP Conference (November 5th - 8th, 2015)
- For more details, please visit, http://society.kisti.re.kr/ktis/recent_news.php?set_id=327 &index=0&start=0&count=10&total=50&board=ktis2&type=br1
3. Lecture on NodeXL
- Lecturer: Dr. Marc Smith (Developer of Node XL)
- Date: pm 01:00, Oct. 31st, 2015
- For more details, please visit, http://www.watef.org/home/bbs/sub_disc_program.php
4. Introduction to Seminar, "Company & Innovation"
- Presenter:ByungWoo Kang(IDE-JETRO)
- Date: pm 06:30, Oct. 13th, 2015
- For more details, please visit, http://www.keunlee.com/
5. Global Innovator Festa 2015 - Start Your Idea!
- Theme: HelloJETS Angel Investment for Successful Beginning of Start-Ups
- Date: Oct. 1st-4th, 2015, Venue: EXCO, DAEGU, KOREA
- For more details, please visit, http://www.gif2015.org/gif2015/html/main.php
[Section D.] Business Model In This Week
Today’s introduction regarding Business Model is the patent, "Methods and apparatuses for facilitating task switching (EP 2588932 A4)", of which applicant is Nokia Corp.
For more information, please contact:
Prof. JinHyo Joseph Yun (President of SOItmC and Editor-in-Chief of JOItmC)
- Contact: jhyun@dgist.ac.kr, +82-53-785-4410
SOItmC Secretariat
- Contact: openinnovationtmc@gmail.com, +82-53-785-4411
- Address: 333 Techno Jungang-daero, Hyeonpung-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 711-873, Republic of Korea.
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