The Korea Society of Veterinary Science (대한수의학회) |
The Korean Society of Poultry Science (한국가금학회) |
Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction (한국가축번식학회) |
Korea Agricultural Economics Association (한국농업경제학회) |
Korean Society of Dairy Science (한국동물자원과학회) |
The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (한국농공학회) |
The Society of Korean Agricultural Education (한국농업교육학회) |
The Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery (한국농업기계학회) |
The Korean Society for Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology (한국응용생명화학회) |
Korean Society of Plant Pahtology (한국식물병리학회) |
Korean Society of Applied Entomology (한국응용곤충학회) |
The Apicultural Society of Korea (한국양봉학회) |
The Korean Society of Tobacco Science (한국연초학회) |
The Korean Breeding Society (한국육종학회) |
Korean Society for Horticultural Science (한국원예학회) |
Korean Forestry Society (한국임학회) |
The Korean Society of Crop Science (한국작물학회) |
Korean Society of Sericultural Science (한국잠사학회) |
The Korean Society of Weed Science (한국잡초학회) |
The Korean Society of Grassland Science (한국초지학회) |
Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer (한국토양비료학회) |
The Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture (한국환경농학회) |
Turfgrass Society of Korea (한국잔디학회) |
Korean Society of International Agriculture (한국국제농업개발학회) |
The Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control (한국생물환경조정학회) |
The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science (한국약용작물학회) |
The Korean Society of Embryo Transfer (한국수정란이식학회) |
The Korean Society of Wood Science And Technology (한국목재공학회) |
The Korean Society of Veterinary Clinical Medicine (한국임상수의학회) |
The Korean Society of Veterinary Public Health (한국수의공중보건학회) |
The Korean Society of Mycoplasmology (한국마이코플라스마학회) |
The Korean Rural Sociological Society (한국농촌사회학회) |
The Korean Society of Rural Living Science (한국지역사회생활과학회) |
The Korean Association for Laboratoty Animal Science (한국실험동물학회) |
The Korean Association of Agricultural Extension (한국농촌지도학회) |
The Korean Society of Rural Planning (한국농촌계획학회) |
The Korean Society of Sericultural Science (한국잠사학회) |
The Korean Society of plant Biotechnology(한국식물생명공학회) |
(한국임산에너지학회) |
(한국유기농업학회) |
(한국산림휴양학회) |