Study points to families buying more organics
Study points to families buying more organics
Published on 06/15/2009 04:51pm By Bob Luder
As the Organic Trade Association's Barbara Haumann sees it, the findings from a recent study on U.S. families' attitudes about organic foods simply is another reinforcement of results from previous surveys. Despite the bad economy, people are eating more organic food, including organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables. The 2009 U.S. Families' Organic Attitudes and Beliefs Study, jointly sponsored by the Greenfield, Mass.-based OTA and KIWI Magazine, New York, and to be officially released at the OTA's All Things Organic Conference June 18 in Chicago, showed 31% of U.S. families indicated they're purchasing more organic foods compared to a year ago. In fact, 17% of families said organic products accounted for their largest spending increase over the past year. Earlier this year, the OTA released results from the 2009 Organic Industry Survey, which showed U.S. sales of organic products growing 17.1% in 2008 over the previous year. This most recent survey, however, went straight to consumers and asked them their attitudes toward organic products. "The OTA hasn't done this kind of study before where it's worked directly with consumers," said Haumann, spokeswoman for the organization. "Coming on top of the Organic Industry Survey … I think one study kind of backed the other." Haumann said what's interesting about this current study is that, not only does it unveil how much organic product U.S. consumers are purchasing, but it also looks at who buys organics and how much those people understand what organics are. It also asks whether those organic lovers pass along their preferences to others. "It backs up what market researchers have found - that one of the motivators for buying organic products is becoming a parent," Haumann said. |
유기농무역협회 (Organic Trade Association)의 최근 실시한 설문조사에 의하면 미국가정들의 최근 계속되고 있는 경기침체에도 불구하고 유기농식품의 구매가 계속 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났음.
미국인들은 직접 재배한 과일 및 채소 등을 포함해서 더 많은 유기농 식품을 섭취하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있어서 이제는 유기농식품이 더 이상 특정계층의 전유물이 아니라 점점 보편화되고 있는 것으로 인식되고 있음.
오는 6.18일 시카고에서 개최된 컨퍼런스에서 발표될 예정인 2009 U.S Families' Organic Attitudes and Beliefs 조사에서는 미국가정들은 지난해에 비해 유기농 구입이 31%나 증가한 것으로 나타났으며, 17%의 가정은 유기농구입에 지출한 금액이 가계소비에서 가장 많이 증가한 지출품목이라고 조사결과 나타났음.
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